How to teach parts of human body

The first time I taught, Parts of human body is the most boring topic I ever had.
But, I soon learned that this following strategy was interesting, that is, Make the Photo

Step I : Make pictures of Stick Figure (e.g. : the one with the right hand touching left ear, with mouth open, with right eye closed, with right leg lifted, etc)

Step 2 : Write imperative sentences, e.g : a. Touch your left ear with right hand !
b. Open your mouth !
c. Left your right leg !, etc.

Step 3 : Classroom Activity : I this activity, students work in pair. One acts as the instructor with a piece of paper with the stick figure, and the other does what is instructed. The photographer (instructor) will say 'TAKEN' if she/he has got the desired picture. The teacher, then, checked if this is matched. The score is given ranging from A to D based on the closeness of the whole written instructions to the correctness of target's body position.

Step 4 : Evaluation : In this activity, a class discussion is held to invent problems and difficulties in the running process.

Notes : Favorable points of this strategy is that it activates both their speaking, listening, and drawing skill.


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