Kisi-kisi PAS B Inggris kelas VI (2109-2020)  Sumber : Buku Superminds Unit 1 s/d Unit 5)

1. Penggunaan kosa kata terkait pembahasan Unit 1
    Contoh : eye-patc, binocullars, spade, hook,dll
2. Bacaan tentang : Pirate in the Caribbean Sea.
3. Penggunaan 'since' dan 'for'
4. Penggunaan kosa kata terkait pembahasan Unit 2
    Contoh : monorail, knee-pads, hang-glider, jet pack, dll
5. Penggunaan 'need to' dan 'don't need to'
    Contoh : To fly with jet pack you need to have a lot of money.
                   You don't need to have a special skill to ride a bicycle.
6. Bacaan tentang Patrick and Alex flying on a jet pack.
7. Penggunaan kosa kata terkait pembahasan Unit 3.
    Contoh : pyramids, chariot, pharaoh, dll.
8. Penggunaan 'was' dan 'were' dalam kalimat pasif (Passive Voice)
    Contoh : The slaves worked extra hard to build those pyramids.
                   Unfortunately, they were not paid.
                   I have got a cute dog. It was taken for a walk every morning.
9. Bacaan terkait pembahasan Unit 3.
10. Kosa kata terkait pembahasan  Unit 4.
      Contoh : high jump, archery, hurdle, weight lifting, gymnastics, dll.
11. Penggunaan kalimat Present Progressive Tense.
      Contoh : 
                   X : What is the athlete doing?
                   Y : He is practicing archery
12. Bacaan tentang 'Olympic Games'
13. Penggunaan kosa kata terkait pembahasan Unit 5.
      Contoh : bakery, jewelry store, carpenter's, dll.
14. Bacaan tentang 'The Building of London'
15. Penggunaan kata 'ever' dalam kalimat tanya.
      Contoh :
                    X : Have you ever been to Lombok island?
                    Y : No, I have never been there.
16. Mendiskripsikan salah satu jenis alat transportasi darat.
17. Menyusun kalimat acak menjadi percakapan.
18. Merubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif (passive voice)
      Contoh :
                   The slaves built those pyramids. (aktif)
                    Those pyramids were built by the slaves. (passive voice)
19. Menuliskan kalimat untuk mewawancarai (intervewing) seorang atlit olah raga.
      Contoh :
                   When did you start practicing the archery?
                   How often did you practice a week?
                   What was the hardest game you played?  dll
20. Menulis paragraf tentang pengalaman liburan di Mesir. (imajinatif)


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