
Menampilkan postingan dari 2019
Kisi-kisi PAS B Inggris kelas VI (2109-2020)  Sumber : Buku Superminds Unit 1 s/d Unit 5) 1. Penggunaan kosa kata terkait pembahasan Unit 1     Contoh : eye-patc, binocullars, spade, hook,dll 2. Bacaan tentang : Pirate in the Caribbean Sea. 3. Penggunaan 'since' dan 'for' 4. Penggunaan kosa kata terkait pembahasan Unit 2     Contoh : monorail, knee-pads, hang-glider, jet pack, dll 5. Penggunaan 'need to' dan 'don't need to'     Contoh : To fly with jet pack you need to have a lot of money.                    You don't need to have a special skill to ride a bicycle. 6. Bacaan tentang Patrick and Alex flying on a jet pack. 7. Penggunaan kosa kata terkait pembahasan Unit 3.     Contoh : pyramids, chariot, pharaoh, dll. 8. Penggunaan 'was' dan 'were' dalam kalimat pasif (Passive Voice)     Contoh : The slaves worked extra hard to build those pyramids.      ...


                                                                Tugas Kelas VI       Poster of Sport Events       Look at the poster above and answer these questions! 1. When did the even take place? 2. Which sport was it? 3. How long was the tournament? 4. How much was the admission fee? 5. Where did the event take place? 6. Make a poster inviting to take part in an event!  Please, be free to specify the sport! Notes : kerjakan No. 1 - 5 di 'words' dan kirim lewat e-mail ke               No. 6 dibuat di sekolah, hari Rabu dan Selasa (12 dan 18 Oktober 2019). Siswa membawa              kertas gambar, crayon, pinsil warna.             ...

Music Instruments

                                             How Many Musical Instruments Do You know?                                1. Wind Instruments               Pan pipes                                   You use your mouth to play these instruments. You blow through the instrument to make                  sound.                 2. Stringed Instruments                         Violin                                        ...