How natural you speak? (Wiliana)
Menampilkan postingan dari 2016
What a Unique in Bantul.
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Sandboarding Bantul, a southern part of Yogya, introduces an outdoor sport called ‘sandboarding’ which you ski on a board over vast dunes. Located west of Parangtritis beach, the area is vast, sandy, and covered with grey sand, making it an amazing view to those newly visiting Bantul. Being there, you can try your first gliding from the height of dune and enjoy the sensation you have never tasted before. You can rent a board or two from local residents. If you do not find it any simple yet, a trainer is ready to train. They said all you need were courage and ability to maintain balance. It is likely that you fall off the sand and are laughed at, but do not ever stop trying another attempt. Safety equipment for this sport are available, and you need only to pay some $6 for an applied length of time. Today there has been a considerable number of visitors to play the game. And the number increased from time to time. It is a unique recreation vehicle since it is the only o...
What in Bantul
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Reog Wayang, an Heritage of Yogyakarta Reog, which is globally known as a traditional art native to Ponorogo of East Java, has recently come in varied form and style. Basically it is a combination of dancing and music performance wrapped in a story that bears moral values. Today Reog Ponorogo has been one Indonesian heritage under United Nation Organizations’ acknowledgment. Reog Wayang has been in existence for a long time and is relatively new to those living outside part of Bantul area. The records of its performance, though, can only be traced by conducting interviews with our adults and those over fifties. The writer is one of the living witnesses that was fond of watching the show and always expected it to perform each day in his c...