How to Keep Your Body Healthy With Food

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Eat good healthy foods! Carbohydrates are especially healthy for you and keep your body fit. No, don't overload your plate with strawberries, bananas, mangoes and grapes. Just eat a kiwi or papaya after breakfast or lunch and grapes or mango after dinner. Write it down in your schedule: eat some carbohydrates and be proud of yourself.

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 Don't skip your meals! No matter it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, always have your meals and don't skip them. Your body gets used to the meals and you should follow along. One skip of breakfast, lunch or dinner you might as well say goodbye to keeping your body healthy. The digestion system will get ruined.

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 Say no to junk. Avoid eating your regular junk food which naturally consists of: packets and packets of crisps, sugary food, coca-cola (fizzy drink), etc. Try eating a bowl of salad instead, or eating prawns instead of crisps. And for heavens sake, drink water instead of coke! Water and milk help you be fit and instead, you drink something so unhealthy that it takes away the calories of your bones and sooner of later, you won't be able to move, because your bones will be too weak.

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 Visit your dietitian. Always useful. He can snap his fingers, get some tablets for you and even make you a food schedule to eat and drink. Follow it very carefully. If it says eat a lot of carbohydrates (as it should) and avoid drinking fizzy drinks: follow it oh so carefully.

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 Wherever you go, have a small packet of healthy snacks eg. a pack of peanuts. They are very useful and can be carried around long journeys. Or maybe eat a banana on the way out. No, it won't look lame. It will be helping you with your body and with your fitness. Don't avoid this step.

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Don't mix and match! Once you start eating carbohydrates, try your best to continue eating them! You can't have carbohydrates for breakfast and then left-over pizza with hot sauce for dinner. Come on, live a little! The food pyramid is loaded with stuff we need to eat and the carbohydrates section is the fattest. Follow it, eat it, smile. You'll be glad you did.

Sources : Wiki How


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