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Fun Comic


Tugas Kls 6

Do the assignment in your practice book Complete these sentences with the 'phrasal verbs' provided 1. Rita had a new dress. She _____  _____ the dress yesterday evening. 2. X : Did you take off your jacket last night?     Y : Yes, I ____ it ____ because it was awfully hot. 3. Dina _____ ____ the candles on her birthday cake last Sunday. 4. The room is clean now. Mother ____ _____ all the trash on the bin. 5. Barca team introduced their new uniform and _____ them ____ in the new season. 6. Father was sleeping when Andy ____  ____ the volume of the radio. 7. Willy accidentally ____ _____ the balloons and cried for a help. 8. X : Where are the clothes?     Y : I _____  _____ the clothes in the wardrobe. 9. I needed the glue, but Tracy ____ it _____ . Do you have some? 10. It is very dark because mom _____  _____ the lights. Options : turned off, tried on, used up, took off, hung up, blew out, blew up, threw away,  ...

Penerimaan Rapor

Penting! Diumumkan pada orang tua siswa-siswi SD Santo Yusup Jl. Jawa 2 Bandung bahwa pembagian buku laporan semester 2 dan pengumuman pelulusan (Kelas VI) tahun 2014-2015 akan dilaksanakan pada :         Jumat, 26 Juni 2015 pukul 07.00 - 08.30 Para siswa mengenakan seragam putih merah. Atas perhatiannya diucapkan banyak terima kasih.                                                                                                            Admin Blog  ...

Latih Terus!

ProProfs Quiz- SIAP UAS 2 » Create online test

Info Ujian Praktik B Inggris

Ujian Praktik B Inggris Meliputi : A. Wajib (Membaca Teks) : Bahan disediakan oleh guru       Kriteria Penialaian : 1. Pronunciation (Lafal), 2. Fluency (Kelancaran), 3. Intonation (Intonasi) B. Pilihan    :      1. Story telling (individual)      2. Dialog/Mini Drama (berkelompok 2 - 4 siswa)      3. Power point Presentation ( individual)      Bahan  diusahakan oleh siswa sendiri.       Kriteria Penilaian :       1. Story telling                      : Pronunciation/Fluency/Expression/Media       2. Dialog/Mini Drama           : Pronunciation/Fluency/Creativity/ Media       3. Power Point Presentation : Pronunciation/Fluency/Clearness      ...

Latih Terus!

SIAP UAS by ProProfs » Powered by ProProfs
Do you know how to cook noodle? Here are the common steps: 1. First, boil some hot water on the pan. 2. Then, prepare seasonings in the bowl. 3. Afterwards, put the noodle in the hot water to cook, and add egg if you like. 4. Finally, Put the noodle and the egg in the bowl and mix them. The noodle is ready. What about ironing clothes? Here are the steps to iron clothes: 1. First, put the piece of clothing on the ironing board. 2. Then, start ironing. 3. Turn the fabric over and iron the right side. 4. And finally, Hang or fold the garment immediately after ironing.
                                                How to Keep Your Body Healthy With Food Eat good healthy foods! Carbohydrates are especially healthy for you and keep your body fit. No, don't overload your plate with strawberries, bananas, mangoes and grapes. Just eat a kiwi or papaya after breakfast or lunch and grapes or mango after dinner. Write it down in your schedule: eat some carbohydrates and be proud of yourself.     Don't skip your meals! No matter it's breakfast, lunch or dinner, always have your meals and don't skip them. Your body gets used to the meals and you should follow along. One skip of breakfast, lunch or dinner you might as well say goodbye to keeping your body healthy. The digestion system will g...