Gasibu , the Gathering Places for Public

Gasibu, the word always familiar to those living in Bandung or those once residing for a relatively a short time, has now remarkably changed in function. As the authoritized previously channeled out, this area is actually targetted for public to do some refreshing activities like jogging, running, and practising other exercise. Gasibu is a large field just a few walks from Satay Building and normally a center for youth to have sightseeing. Today, this does not function as it normally does. Every weekend food vendors, souvenier salesmen, and fruits and vegetables merchants crowd the place. To its advantage, the area has managed to provide power for economic running of many people even though Bandung local government has found themselves upset.

                                                        (The view of Gasibu on Sundays)
Bandung has many other interesting sites to visit, and Gasibu is just one of them. Come and have a short visit to this Capital of West Java. There you will enjoy some unique culinary tourisms


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